Nest For Business



Lowers  costs of organization by automatically adjusting thermostat, saving both electrical costs and energy

Improves productivity, as task requiring appliances such as vacuums and dishwashers are now automated. Management can also control security systems over a wireless network.

“Nest allows its users who are customers of a handful of partner utilities to save money on their energy bills by opting in to a program that, via their thermostats, curbs their power consumption during peak hours.” -Marcus Wohlsen




Businesses gives up privacy to google, the owner of nest, and it constantly keeps track of your everyday movement and speech through its products.

Nest is a disruptive technology that will take a while for customers to understand its capabilities and consider buying it. Also, in order for nest to be used effectively, customers have to buy devices compatible with nest technology.

Nest networks are quite expensive to set up and uses a computerlike software so it is subject to hacks.